Weather Services
Winter Weather Alerts
Event-based forecasts are easy to understand; generated by our experienced team of meteorologists, not by computers. Snow removal professionals, emergency services, and town road departments benefit from advanced weather notifications and in-storm decision support.
- Non-Stop Weather Coverage
- Live Chat with our Meteorologists
- Advanced, 48-hour Storm Notification
- Event Details and Road Condition Forecasts
Farmer Friendly Forecast

Accurately plan for all weather types at the farm. Receive detailed 5-day forecasts covering 24-hour probabilities of precipitation, forecasted sunlight, peak wind gusts, and more!
- Point-Location Forecast
- 10-Day Temp & Precip Outlook
- Hazard Forecast (Flood, Frost, Hail)
Event Weather Forecast

For any special occasion, we offer event-specific forecasts to give you advanced notice for your big day. Be it a graduation, wedding, or sporting event you’ll be covered with our accurate, two week weather outlook.
- Affordable: Just $95!
- Your Own Personal Meteorologist
- Covers Set-Up Day and Day of Event
- Long-Range Rain Probabilities & Sky Cover
Testimonial to our Services
"We have been extremely satisfied with the quality of reports and accurate predictions... The services have saved the Township money as we have been able to accurately schedule our crew to avoid downtime waiting for the storm to hit."

Susan K Seck
Former Public Works Director
Athens Township
Athens Township